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visit, Study, work, immigrate and citizenship by investment
Visitor Visa
EU and NON-EU Schengen States

We can assist you with Visitor Visa application for EU and NON-EU Schengen States which are: 

Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. 

Non-Schengen EU States

We can assist you with Visitor Visa application for Non-Schengen EU States which are: 

Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania and the UK.

Study Visa
We can assist you with University/College application as well visa application. Register below to get started:
Work / Job-Seeker Visa
Work Visa

We can assist you to apply for Work Visa if you have a job offer and you meet all the requirements. 

Job-Seeker Visa

If you do not have a job offer, we can assist you to apply for a Job-Seeker visa for Portugal, Germany, Sweden, Luxembourg or Ireland. This visa allows you to stay in the country, which is usually for up to 6 months, to find a job. Once you are hired, you may apply for Work Visa.​

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